Show Notes
To kick off the second season of Does It Matter? and its new format (three episodes each of a larger conceptual relation), Beth is here to present media agency theory--a way to understand all art that includes stories with choices, like choose your own adventures, video games, and tabletop games. In this first episode, Beth and Alex discuss the concepts and definitions involved and address the first four of sixteen total texts which will guide these episodes.
The Texts Discussed:
1. 4'33" by John Cage
2. House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski
3. Batman: A Death in the Family by Jim Starlin (writer) and Jim Aparo (penciller)
4. Six Cold Feet (Season 2) by J.M. Donellan
The same version of 4'33" used in the episode
Interlude Music - "Forest Lullaby" by Lesfm